I have news about what we should do about the spots on pepper plant leaves. As I was asking around, I found out that many people in East Texas are having the same problem due to the very humid, rainy weather we are having. The spots make me think of black spot on roses. After several black spots appear, then the leaf turns yellow and falls off.
I think I finally have the answer. Even though the disease is bacterial in nature, the expert at Estes said to use a fungicide with chlorothanlanil as the main ingredient. I found it at WalMart, brand name Daconil. There are probably other brands, but that is the one I found. I am not saying this is organic. The only organic solution to this, as far as I know, is to remove the damaged leaves, and then fertilize your peppers with a good organic fertilizer. Perhaps warmer, less humid weather plus fertilizer will allow the pepper plants to recover. If they are not too badly diseased, that might work. Worse case, pull your plants up, give them a good burial far away from your veggie garden, and plant something else, not more peppers, in the same place. I hope this helps.
I'll get some today!